In the ever changing digital landscape of music marketing and promotions it seems as if the fly by night fads dominate a generation of compulsive micro content consumers then fadeout never to be heard from again but there are a few exceptions to the rule. There is no better example of this bite sized but highly effective marketing tool than Vine and Instagram Video. Any artist looking to quickly get their music, visuals, and message across to new and current fans with a quick one two punch needs to step up their Vine and Instagram game. Here are some stats that reiterate this point:
- Three of the five most retweeted Vines ever made were created by musicians. (Buzzfork)
- Two-thirds of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video by 2017. (Neomobile)
- Five tweets per second contain a Vine link. (7th Chamber)
- Instagram has about 130 million users, compared to Vine’s 13 million users. (Neomobile)
- Since the launch of Instagram video, there has been a 37 percent increase in Instagram shares on Twitter. (Buzzfork)
- Instagram videos are creating two-times more engagement than Instagram photos. (Simply Measured)
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